Children and Swimming Pool Safety

Phoenix Children’s Hospital kicked off the swimming season this week by attempting to ensure that Valley children know how to be safe poolside. Nearly 1,100 first-grade students from more than a dozen Southeast Valley schools attended the 13th annual Water Safety Day at Mesa Community College on Tuesday. Organized by the hospital’s Water Watchers program,…

Swimming Pool Safety

A swimming pool is a terrific asset to any home, but it can also spell death. Drowning is one of the leading cause of death for children, and in the state of Florida, where swimming pools are very common it is the leading cause of death for children less than five years of age. The…

Swimming Pool Safety

It’s the scene you hope to see at a pool. Diving, splashing, shooting out a tube, a life guard on the scene and on the lookout. “We try to tell each other, ‘Hey we got a little kid in here watch for ’em,’ you know,” said lifeguard Caleb Voth. Unfortunately, there will be another scene…

How to Enjoy Your Swimming Pool Safely

A swimming pool in the backyard can be a great source of pleasure for all the family. Providing you keep the water in good condition and use a pool cleaner, nothing will be more inviting as a means of cooling off on a hot day. It can also be a place of fun and great bonding between parents and children. But swimming pools, like any bodies of water, carry with them certain dangers. Follow our tips to limit these dangers and ensure that you and your friends and family enjoy your swimming pool safely.

Swimming Pool Safety

If you own a swimming pool, you have to be aware of the safety aspects concerning that pool. There is no counter-argument, that is one of the legal responsibilities of an owner of a swimming pool . You are going to get visitors coming around who cannot swim; people who have eaten or drunken too much and should not swim; children and skinny-dipping teenage intruders and you have to supply a safe environment in which to swim for all or them or decline access.

What Makes The Installation Of Steel Pool Fences An Ideal Option For Swimming Pool Safety?

In order to make sure that you and your loved ones have a stress free and enjoyable time in your pool area it is very important to make sure that your swimming pool is safe from any accidents. And when it comes to choosing the best and the most cost effective option available in the marketplace for installing child safe, long lasting, internationally certified and visually appealing option, steel pool fences offers complete solutions for your swimming pool safety needs unlike other safety equipments such as alarms and solar pool cover.

Swimming Pool Safety

Swimming Pool Safety 1: Fencing As part 2 of our pool safety series, I want to inform you of the importance of installing a fence around your pool.  While it doesn’t replace proper adult supervision at all times, a fence will assist in keeping your children away from the pool.  Ideally, your fence should be…

Swimming Pool Safety Tips

With summertime officially upon us, it’s that time of year for pool safety tips. Whether taking the kids to a public pool or swimming at home, it’s important to sit the kiddos down for brief talk about safety and go over rules before heading to the pool. If you’re swimming at home, you may also want to post the “Family Pool Rules” in a visible place where the kids can always seem them.