Swimming Pool Chemicals

What are swimming pool chemicals? Swimming pool chemicals include various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers which work to control the growth of certain kinds of algae and bacteria in the pool water. Swimming pool chemicals may also be used in hot tubs, spas, wading pools, and whirlpools. Various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers are used…

Safe Storage Tips for Swimming Pool Chemicals

However, to ensure you get the most out of your pool, it’s important that it’s well maintained. One way to make sure of this is by adding, when required, swimming pool chemicals which your local swimming pool specialists will be able to provide. These chemicals will help guarantee your pool water is crystal clear, but once used, you need to make sure that you store them correctly.

Study Links Swimming Pool Chemicals to Cancer

I’m not gonna lie, but this piece of news has me kind of sad: a small study is linking swimming in chlorinated pools to cancer. In the first of three studies, Spanish researchers looked at the effects of 49 healthy adults who spent 40 minutes swimming in an indoor chlorinated pool. Genetic indicators from blood and urine samples from the participants pointed to an increase in cancer risk and respiratory effects like asthma.