A Solar Pool Cover Helps Lower Pool Costs

It’s almost here! Summer and warm weather are just around the corner and for those lucky enough to have a pool right in your backyard, this means a lot of work in the upcoming months. Even after the it opens, there is much maintenance to be done throughout the summer, which can be costly if you’re not careful. One way to ensure having low monthly expenses is to make sure you have low pool evaporation by using a pool cover, which will help keep your monthly energy bills down during pool season.

The Solar Pool Cover – Extending Your Pool Season

Having a backyard swimming pool can be a very big investment, especially if you decide to have an in ground pool installed. And one of the ways to maximize your return on that investment is by doing whatever you can to extend the swimming season in your part of the country.

A Solar Pool Cover Saves Energy, Money, Water and Time

If you have a pool in your yard or an indoor pool in your home then you may have already thought about using a solar pool cover. Solar pool covers can provide a wide array of benefits to those who use them. You’ll end up saving a great deal of time and effort in terms of heating and maintaining your pool, and you’ll be helping to make your home more eco friendly at the same time.

Solar Heating for In-Ground Swimming Pools – Start Saving On Heating Bills

With growing concerns about money and the environment, many people are looking for ways to reduce their spending while also reducing their negative impact on the planet. This is also true for owners of in-ground swimming pools, many of whom are now turning away from traditional heating methods and embracing solar pool heating to keep their pools warm. With many different types of solar pool heating options available today, pool owners have a wide variety of solar pool heating systems and products to choose from, which range in price, effectiveness and ease-of-use. By allowing you to harness free energy from the sun, solar pool heating products provide slashed utility costs as well as the peace of mind that comes with using a green, renewable energy source.

Pool Covers classes

Pool covers are used for different purposes. A pool cover can be used for protection, or to lower the cost of pool maintenance. There are different types of pool covers used in different conditions. Pool covers are also used for above ground pools and in ground pools, respectively, and there are some that are used…

Do I Need a Swimming Pool Heater?

Whether or not to get a swimming pool heater is an individual decision. However, in general, it is a good idea. Swimming pools have many uses. They are not just for summer fun. Many people like to use it for as much of the year as possible, for exercise, relaxation, or socialization. If you are one of these people, but you live in a climate where the weather can change at the drop of a hat, or you just plain do not like cool water, a heater is a great thing to have.

Why Do You Need Pool Covers?

If you own a swimming pool, it is perhaps the most amazing possession you have. This, however, increases your responsibility, as you have to take great care of the pool. Pool covers are amongst other tools that can keep your pool safe and protected. Now you would like to know why you should get these covers, well, there are many reasons. If you have pets or small children at your home, it is very difficult to keep an eye on them all the time. If, however, you have a proper cover for your pool, they can get protected from falling in. there are, in fact, many pool covers that have been designed for this purpose.