Swimming Pool Solar Heaters

Swimming pool solar heating can save hundreds on your electric bills over the lifetime of the swimming pool solar heater. The initial cost of solar heating can be high, but there are DIY options available to lower the cost. Solar energy is renewable and better for the environment and free once you buy or make…

Types of Pool Heaters

Swimming pools can be enjoyed all year-round with a pool heater. There are three main types of pool heaters. Solar, gas and electric heaters are most commonly used to warm up pool waters to summer temperatures. Determining which pool heater is best for you depends on your budget, the layout of the pool and your own personal needs.

Do I Need a Swimming Pool Heater?

Whether or not to get a swimming pool heater is an individual decision. However, in general, it is a good idea. Swimming pools have many uses. They are not just for summer fun. Many people like to use it for as much of the year as possible, for exercise, relaxation, or socialization. If you are one of these people, but you live in a climate where the weather can change at the drop of a hat, or you just plain do not like cool water, a heater is a great thing to have.