Solar Power and Where You Can Go Wrong

It is a fact solar power has great potential, it can solve the high energy bills and reduce pollution rates big time. There are many great projects and “how to”‘s which are easy and beneficial to do and there are a few which are a complete waste of money. I have created a short lists which projects are not really worth investing in so you can avoid throwing money out through the window. These items are the ones which we can ignore for the time being, maybe you can revisit them after the technology has evolved.

Swimming Pool Heaters – Swimming Pool Ideas

If you have a swimming pool in your backyard and you want to get a heater, you might have a lot of questions in mind. Swimming pool heaters are great for extending the season for swimming. With a heater, you can still enjoy your pool regardless of the weather. Through this article, you will find out the basic things that you have to know before you start to shop for a pool heater.

Do Solar Pool Covers Actually Work

If you have ever dived into a heated pool, particularly on a cool day then you know how nice it can be. On the other hand, if you have ever dived into an unheated pool on a cool day then you also know the shock that it creates. Unfortunately with the rising cost of energy, the cost of heating a pool has also become more exorbitant.