Chemicals for Winterizing a Swimming Pool

The chemicals needed for closing a swimming pool at the end of the summer season have become simpler over the yeas. Nowadays most pool stores sell winterizing kits that are dropped into the pool and are specially formulated to time release chemicals over several months that will keep your pool water clean. However, to successfully close your pool, a few other things must be in check first.

Chemicals for Pool Maintenance

Swimming pools require a lot of work to maintain. Nature likes to take up residence almost anywhere, including in stagnant bodies of water. Also, various natural forces tend to make a swimming pool cloudy and very alkaline. The right use of chemicals can make your swimming pool not only safe but also clean and sparkling in appearance.

How to Add Chemicals to an Above-Ground Swimming Pool

Keeping an above-ground pool in top swimming condition means more than just running the pool filter. Several chemicals must be added to keep the water clear and clean. There’s chlorine to kill the bacteria, cyuranic acid that helps to retain the chlorine in the pool, muriatic acid that modifies the pool’s pH level and algaecide to prevent the growth of algae. Administering each of these chemicals properly can be the difference between maintaining a clean pool and creating a toxic nightmare.