How safe is your swimming pool? Chemicals that are used to make the water in your pool safe to swim in may be harmful to your health. Chlorine is a wonderful water sanitizer, but it is also a dangerous chemical that must be used according to package directions to minimize accidental injury. Chemicals used in swimming pool cleaning are dangerous and must be handled carefully. These products can cause injury or even death if they are misused or not properly stored.
Chlorine-based disinfectants are used in about 90% of swimming pools. They are commonly called chlorinating liquid, dry chlorine, or liquid chlorine. Dry chlorine is the chemicals in tablet form, while liquid chlorine and chlorinating liquid are the same chemicals, but they are dissolved in water. These cleaning agents should be stored in a cool, dry place where they are not easily reached by children or pets. They are highly flammable and should be kept away from any flammable liquids or solids. Pool chemicals should not be removed from their original container for storage and should not be mixed unless directed by a professional.
Most products used to clean swimming pools are poisonous and corrosive. The first thing you should do before using these chemicals is read the directions thoroughly. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands and arms and add chemicals slowly to the water to avoid spills and splashes that may get on your face or skin. Most pool chemicals are corrosive and can begin to damage body tissues on contact. Protecting your eyes and face is important. Accidental inhalation of chlorine vapor can cause a serious respiratory emergency when pool cleaning. Circle C development, near Austin, Texas, has first aid material on hand should that happen.
Harsh chemicals aren’t the only way to keep your pool clean, but most chlorine free pool chemicals are expensive and not proven to work. Bacteria that these chemicals leave behind is often more harmful than the chemicals that get rid of it. Some people use a salt system to keep their swimming pool clean, but salt is sodium chloride, which is still a type of chlorine and so this system isn’t any safer to use than regular chemicals when pool cleaning. Westlake, TX frequently discourages its residents from over-using salt.
Chemicals are very effective, but can also be hazardous if not handled properly and used carefully. Chemical free methods may be safer, but they are not proven to be effective. No matter which method you choose, it’s vital that you take precautions to keep you and your family safe.