DEAR BARRY: Two years ago, we bought a home with a backyard pool. Then, a few months ago, the county posted a violation notice on our front door for an expired pool permit.
The previous homeowner, who was also the contractor for the pool, pulled the pool permit, completed the construction, but never called for an inspection. It cost us $2,000 for the late penalties, some corrective work and the final inspections. The seller never disclosed that the pool was not signed off. Do we have recourse to recover our costs? –Dorene
DEAR DORENE: If the seller was a licensed contractor and did not disclose that a permit was not signed off, he is in violation of two laws: the state disclosure law for sellers and the laws that regulate contractors.
You should not have to pay fines to the county because you were not responsible for the violation. The seller should be notified by certified mail immediately. If he does not respond, you should file a complaint with the state agency that licenses contractors. You can also file an action in small claims court. But before you take any legal action, get some advice from an attorney.