Swimming pool tragedies can happen anytime; anywhere. They don’t come knocking on the door. Instead when something bad is about to happen, a person may not be lucky enough to endure the entire incident. Following is the story of a woman who almost lost her dog because she didn’t have an inground pool cover installed.
Let’s call her Beth. It started off normally as her daily routine. Beth had to walk her two dogs for a little while. After walking her dogs, she returned home to tend to her daily chores. solar cover.Before leaving for the kitchen, she left the dogs to cool down by the swimming pool, which happened to be the inground type.
The incident warranted an alert message to those who don’t own an inground pool cover because it came with a possible drowning hazard.
When Beth headed back out to the yard, there were no dogs; as if someone just dognapped them in the middle of the day. She called out their names and one of the dogs frantically started barking at the swimming pool’s side. solar blanket.The next thing you know – Mr. Rex, the unfortunate victim in this situation, is trying to save his life with every inch of effort left in his body.
The poor dog had perplexed expressions on its face, while the one outside the pool was barking for help. If it weren’t for Beth’s timely arrival, one of the dogs could’ve lost its life. solar pool cover.bache a bulle.To some people, a pet’s life is worth nearly as much as their own family members.
What if you never had an inground pool cover installed, and something similar happened at your end? To this day, Beth always overemphasizes the importance of having safety pool covers for inground pools. Take a look at some of the general guidelines below to have a better idea about security concerns related to having this invaluable product:
- Upon the survival of an incident in which someone unexpectedly falls into the pool, the absence of winter pool covers inground can lead to hypothermia.
- In ground pool covers are safe enough to bear with a maximum resistance of 4,000 Lbs. You can literally walk all over them, without worrying about any unforeseen collapses.
- Never leave the pool unattended if a safe pool cover for your inground pool is not installed. Have a fence built around the pool and keep it closed when no one is at home, when there are guests around, or when the pool is not in use.
And lastly, ensure that the cover is tightly fastened to its support hinges or whatever means of installation you have going on.