Let’s calculate the number of Wasted city TANKS of Drinking Water by EvapoWaste for swimming pools.
SACRAMENTO: If using an average evaporation rate of 17,500 gallons/pool annually, it takes only 200 pools to waste an entire city tank of water. If Sacramento has over 50,000 pools, then Sacramento alone wastes 250 tanks of city water every year (or) 2,125,000,000 (that’s BILLION) gallons of water every year!
How’s that make you feel when they’re rationing water, and your lawn’s going brown while your bill’s going up?
Our 17,500 gallon/annual evaporation figure is probably conservative (see figures on 1.5″/week). Here are some evaporation figures for Australia (click here). Multiply liters by .264 to get gallons. One average states over 86,000 liters per year, or over 22,700 gallons annually evaporates from the pool.
NATIONWIDE: If the nation has around 8.5 million inground swimming pools, then nationally we waste 42,500 tanks of water every year. This amounts to 42,500(tanks) x 3,500,000(gals) = 148,750,000,000 gallons of water annually in the US alone. Again, that’s BILLIONS!
ABOVEGROUND POOLS TOO! Now approximate an additional 30% for aboveground pools to add another 45 billion gallons of water wasted and we are looking at almost 200 billion gallons of water annually in the US … WASTED.
If you say “so what” to water conservation, think about the cost of energy used to process and create drinking water!
WORLDWIDE: Now think worldwide and help get the word out that 1/2 pool covers are the SOLUTION for WATER CONSERVATION because Half Covers work on almost ALL POOLS…
By David Hoff