Purchasing an above ground pool online

If you’re like many that are feeling the crunch from the economy, you may be resolved to skip going on vacation this year and invest in entertainment at home. If you’re interested in cooling off this year with a new pool there are some key things you need to know in advance. Here’s a few…

Cleaning Swimming Pool for Spring

  Your swimming pool is not the only backyard item that will undergo spring cleaning, since many home owners have decks, landscaping and furniture that surround the centerpiece of your yard. Below is a list that combines swimming pool and backyard spring cleaning, so your entire yard will look pristine and ready for the warmer months.…

Take Care of an Inground Swimming Pool

When added to the backyard, an inground pool offers entertainment, leisure, exercise opportunities — and an increase in value to your home. A 2003 study by the National Association of Realtors found that an inground swimming pool adds about 8 percent to your home’s value. The typical pool maintenance schedule involves a few weekly and…

Install a Swimming Pool During Winter

You might think that the idea of installing a swimming pool in winter sounds a bit weird. It’s cold out there and frankly, the notion of a swim in the middle of the winter doesn’t appeal to you. So why even think of installing a swimming pool in winter? Actually, there are several good reasins…