Qu’est ce qu’une bâche à bulles ?

La bâche à bulles, appelée aussi bâche d’été, bâche isothermique ou encore couverture solaire est un accessoire incontournable de votre piscine. Par son action sur la température de l’eau, elle peut grandement contribuer à améliorer votre confort de baignade. Elle remplit également d’autres fonctions qui font d’elle un allié précieux pour l’entretien de votre piscine.…

Cleaning your Swimming Pool

When you’re shopping for a new home, having a swimming pool may be one of your major determining factors.  Swimming pools have an unlimited number of shapes and styles, in ground and above ground, vinyl lined, plaster, you name it.  You may be looking for an in ground pool due to how it looks, adding…

Must Keep Your Swimming Pool’s Water Clean

  The most important and necessary part of your swimming pool maintenance is, cleaning your swimming pool’s water. However, most of you guys feel the task is the biggest headache. It’s not so! Your swimming pool water needs to very clean. Your swimming pool with clean water will always be an inviting place for you…

What To Look For In A Pool Cover

Pool covers should be included in the list of essential pool accessories. They guard against contamination, heat loss and accidental falls. With more people being able to afford pools, there’s been an increase in the number of pool cover types so making the right choice when purchasing one is important. There are four main types of covers, each differing…