Solar Pool Cover Installation

With solar technology making more and more advancements in recent years more people are looking into it as an option for heating their pool. The fact is, that in many instances solar power can be relied on to heat a pool several degrees depending on certain climatic conditions.

New and improved ways to keep your swimming pool clean

In the past pool chemicals consisted of industry standard chlorine. While chlorine didn’t smell the greatest and burned the eyes and skin sometimes and it wasn’t that great for the environment but it did kill the bacteria in your spa and pools. Today, there are myriad alternatives to keeping your pool clean and bacteria free and there are alternatives to chemicals.

Monitoring Your Pool Water Chemistry

Monitoring water chemistry is perhaps the most important aspect in maintaining your swimming pool. If your eyes burn or your skin becomes irritated from taking a dip, it could be that you haven’t been maintaining your pool properly; the right water chemistry will keep your pool safe and clean for its swimmers. With a reasonable knowledge of chemical treatment you can maitain your pool at the same standard as the professionals, saving yourself time and money.