Swimming Pool Heaters

There are three basic types of swimming pool heaters: electric, gas, and solar. Each has advantages and disadvantages that this article will discuss.

Facts About Solar Bubble Pool Covers

Solar Bubble Swimming Pool Covers are Generally produced using two ply’s of polyethylene material with additives to colour, help strengthen and protect against, UV (Ultra Violet) light, the suns heat and pool chemicals. The bottom layer is generally formed into air cells that help insulate, support / float on the surface of the pool water. The flat top surface is normally co-extruded or laminated to the bottom layer to form a flat surface.

All About How To Use Solar Pool Covers

Heating your pool is easy and cheap with solar pool covers. Find out how to purchase and use one on your pool all season to keep your swimming pool at the perfect temperature with or without a gas heater.

Planners set to approve new Harborne swimming pool

BIRMINGHAM’S newest swimming pool looks set to finally get the green light this week. Planners are due to give approval for Harborne Swimming and Fitness Centre when they meet on Thursday. The £12 million scheme has been nearly a decade in the making as residents and the city council argued over the details. It will replace…