Swimming Pool Chlorine And Bromine

Pool sanitizing is one of the most important aspects of swimming pool maintenance. When pool water is not cared for and kept clean, swimmers are at risk of contracting illnesses and infections from organic waste, bacteria and other microorganisms present in the water. When pool water is properly treated and regulated, it will be clean, fresh and free from harmful contaminants, providing a healthy environment for swimmers to enjoy. In order to keep pool water clean and sanitary, the use of swimming pool chemicals is required. The two most common chemicals used for this purpose are pool chlorine and pool bromine.

How to Buy a Swimming Pool

Buying a swimming pool is a major purchase and investment that can be almost as expensive as buying a brand new car. Knowing some simple facts, asking some important questions and shopping around are key factors to take into consideration when buying a swimming pool. Questions to ask Contractors and Salespeople Step 1 Ask the…