Swimming Pool Chlorine

When the snow has melted and winter is finally over, it’s time to start enjoying springtime activities. For many swimming pool owners, the changing of the seasons and warming spring temperatures indicate that the time is right for a spring pool opening. However, after a swimming pool has been sitting unused for several months throughout the fall and winter, there are several important steps that need to be taken in order to prepare and maintain the pool water so it’s safe and suitable for swimming. One of the most important aspects of a swimming pool opening is using pool chlorine and pool chemicals to create a healthy and hygienic swimming environment.

Facts About Solar Bubble Pool Covers

Solar Bubble Swimming Pool Covers are Generally produced using two ply’s of polyethylene material with additives to colour, help strengthen and protect against, UV (Ultra Violet) light, the suns heat and pool chemicals. The bottom layer is generally formed into air cells that help insulate, support / float on the surface of the pool water. The flat top surface is normally co-extruded or laminated to the bottom layer to form a flat surface.