How To Use A Solar Pool Cover

A solar cover is a great way to help keep pool water temperatures up and related pool costs down. They can save you on chemical consumption, elecrical costs, water costs and help extend the amount of swimming time. Step 1 If you don’t already have a solar pool cover, you will need to purchase one.…


Use a swimming pool cover

A swimming pool consumes a lot of energy and adds to your utility bills and using a pool cover can help save you money and energy. Water is lost from your pool in many ways, but the largest loss is through evaporation; a cover slows evaporation. If you heat your pool water and don’t use…


Swimming Pool Chemicals

What are swimming pool chemicals? Swimming pool chemicals include various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers which work to control the growth of certain kinds of algae and bacteria in the pool water. Swimming pool chemicals may also be used in hot tubs, spas, wading pools, and whirlpools. Various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers are used…


Winter Swimming Pool Products

Are you prepared for winter? Well, I guess not if you are looking here. But you’re in the right place though. Pools Above Ground offers the latest in top quality winterizing pool products to protect your investment from the clutches of old man winter’s icy grip. We have winter pool chemicals, above ground pool covers,…


Comment Retroussez une couverture solaire

Beaucoup de gens utilisent des couvertures solaires sur leurs piscines pour chauffer l’eau d’une manière respectueuse de l’environnement et de l’argent-conscient. Ils placent simplement le couvercle solaire sur la surface de la piscine et le laisser diriger la chaleur des rayons du soleil dans l’eau. La façon la plus évidente à retrousser une couverture solaire…


Bubbles Up or Down?

The swim season is here, and as more and more pools open, more solar pool covers will be purchased or will come out of storage.  Now comes what is probably one of our most frequently asked questions here . Bubbles up or bubbles down?  Bubbles down is the correct answer.  And yes, in answer to…
